Thursday, December 4, 2008

Who voted for Prop 8?

We already know about the black vote. According to the OC Register, here is some more (not surprising) information:

Who voted yes:
85% of Evangelical Christians
77% of Republicans
70% of African Americans
62% of people without a college degree
61% of Hispanics
50% of Whites

Now are people still wondering why we protested outside Saddleback Church?

I love the statistic that 62% of people without a college degree backed it.

So the less educated also helped pass Prop 8. not a surprise to me at all. ignorance is bliss!

Sadly I fall into the 15% of Evangelical Christians who did not support Prop 8. I don't know if I should be horrified or surprised that there 15 out of 100 reasonable Evangelical Christians.

I wonder if polling had been done back in the day, how many Evangelical Christians would have supported Martin Luther's breakaway from the Catholic Church? Or the justification for slavery? Or the banning of interracial marriage? Hmmm....

Most voters agree that too much money was spent on the initiative campaigns (75%), the ballot wording was too complicated and confusing (63%), and that there were too many initiatives (52%).

And this from the Mercury News (as your education level goes down your chance of voting FOR prop 8 apparently went up):
EXCERPT: But while a majority of non-white voters backed a ban on gay marriage, the key finding in the new survey was that voters' position on Proposition 8 was determined more by their level of education and income than their race or ethnicity, said PPIC president Mark Baldassare. Among Californians with a high school diploma or less, 69 percent voted for Proposition 8. Among college graduates, 57 percent voted against it.

"Both among whites and non-whites, among college graduates and among upper-income voters, Prop. 8 lost," Baldassare said. "Among both whites and non-whites, among non-college graduates and lower-income voters, Prop. 8 won. It seems to me that some of what we attributed to race and ethnic differences really had to do with a socioeconomic divide in regard to same-sex marriage."


Charles said...

Are you calling out "gay" today? Maybe you can catch up on some of the questions I've asked you on this blog. Did you think there is a problem being in such a small minority of Evangelical Christians? Maybe it's not the vast majority who are wrong? Do you really believe that God approves of same-sex marriage?

Charles said...

So, are you going to protest Obama's Inauguration?

Charles said...

No answers, I guess.