Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Drop Rick Warren

As the inauguration nears - so does the Saddleback Protest set to take place on Sunday. I wish whoever started it did so earlier in the day but hey - at least someone is in charge! It's going to be fairly large. If you haven't seen the site yet that Californians Agaist Hate started, you should check it out.

Also interesting is a narrative on Rick Warren's "accomplishments" fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa, of which include associations with people who support abstinence only programs in Africa, burning condoms, and lobbying for imprisonment of homosexuals.

Read it here.

1 comment:

christ in me said...

You have no idea what Rick's
Peace Plan has done in Africa.
Also, I go to Saddleback and these protests are just....okay, they are there again, like we don't know they are against Prop. 8. There is not a protest big enough in the world to change what the Bible says about marriage. Better get ready to protest in Atl. tomorrow because Rick was invited to speak at Martin Luther King's church. Thank the Lord for Obama who is open minded and understand free speech.