Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Subway retracts gift to Yes on 8 Campaign

Kudos to Subway!

Protests and such DO make a difference.

The Sundance film festival could be impacted this year because the CEO of the Cinemark (who owns the theater where films are screened) gave $9,999 to yes on Prop 8.

A Sacramento Theater Director resigned after giving $1,000 to Prop 8, and after receiving criticism from prominent artists.

Film Independent LA did not accept the resignation of Prop 8 donor (and LA Film Festival Director) Richard Raddon. I'm pretty disappointed in Film Independent for this decision. While I respect their opinion about people's personal beliefs, I think it is misapplied when it comes to the bigotry involved in denying a minority group civil rights. What if he gave money to a campaign that was trying to ban interracil marriage because of religious beliefs? Would Film Independent have acted diferently then?? I guess it's okay to be a bigot when it comes to gay rights but being a racist would not be okay. We get it Film Independent. Thanks for the lesson.

Film Independent is very involved in the LA film scene and I don't think they will be able to hold this stance for very long, because I'm sure the backlash is coming to them.

1 comment:

Charles said...

Thanks for letting the rest of us know where NOT to spend our money : )