Thanks to everyone (all 300 of you!) who came out to the protest! Thank you Lake Forest Police Department & Orange County Sheriff & Deputy Nelson for helping to make sure this protest was safe and our free speech rights were protected.
The below pictures come from Greg Sloan, Scott Shamansky, Marjin Hostetlet, Cheryl Kingston, Wellesley Sommerfeldt, & Nicole Ruesser. Please don't use these pictures without permission of the owners.

This sign speaks for itself

This sign is funny. I love a sense of humor!

There were people on all 4 corners

Even the kids got involved

Lots of people and great help from the authorities!

One of my favorite signs

Someone else with a sense of humor

Good size crowd

Another crowd shot. Protesters kept the sidewalks clear for use by others.

Lined up down the street

This sign is funny, especially in Orange County - Home of Botox

Someone without a sense of humor. I'm pretty sure the Bible never says to flick off your enemies. What was it that it DOES say? Oh yeah! Love them. Not give them the finger.
I doubt that that the person flipping you off was a Saddleback Church member.
most of the people flipping us off came out of the church. go figure.
I am not saying their response was justified but how would you feel if you were harassed at your place of worship?
adaeze: I left after the second service yesterday. How were most of the people flipping you off, driving out of the church, if the Saddleback Parkway exit you were protesting at was closed?
charles, after the first service people did come out the exit we were at.
That's true, which is why we shut down that exit second service (or didn't you notice the lack of cars leaving in the afternoon?). Regardless, that still doesn't answer my question about the person pictured -- or anyone else flipping you off -- being a Saddleback Church member or someone just driving along El Toro or Portola.
hah. they shut down that exit after the second service? Wouldn't want anyone to see any protesters now would we? :)
Well, they saw you arriving for the second service at least. Didn't you notice the lack of cars exiting after that? Didn't Deputy Nelson tell you that Lt. Barnes asked us to close the exit, so you could have your little protest (perhaps you will recall the Civil Forum earlier this year -- thousands showed up and parked up and down El Toro -- now THAT was a protest ; )
BTW: are you Jessica Deline?
Don't expect anyone to actually answer questions here, even if you answer every one of their questions.
Claudia -
The real question is how would Jesus react if people were outside of a place he was worshiping? What would he do on his way in and out of that place? The people didn't go into the church or on church grounds and interfere with anything.
And don't think Christians are without their protests. There have been plenty of them.
maybe if someone answered Claudia's question, one of us would respond with what Jesus would do. Also, protesters DID go on to Church property.
I wouldn't care. You can come protest outside my church if you want. It's a free country. Worship isn't just about Sunday anyway. It's not just about the building. It's about the relationship. It's about giving God recognition.
Worship can take place even in your response to protesters and doesn't just take place behind closed doors on a sprawling campus. Our personal relationships with Jesus are what are sacred and not our buildings.
Amen! Now that you finally answered Claudia's question, care to answer mine?
Charles - yes that is me.
Thanks, it's good to know with whom one is debating : )
Here are the other pending questions I asked you (on this thread, at least, not to mention my initial question re: how can we know anyone flipping you off was a Church member):
1) Didn't you notice the lack of cars exiting after [second service]?
2) Didn't Deputy Nelson tell you that Lt. Barnes asked us to close the exit?
Also, here's video of a REAL protest:
Charles, I can't answer all you questions.
Nice video of a "real" protest. You know what? This protest Sunday was put together by ONE person. It was put together in 48 hours. AND it was put together by a person who happens to be currently living 1000 miles away and couldn't attend. Yet it still made news around the world and 300 people still showed up.
How's that for a protest considering the circumstances? :)
In addition, video of President-Elect Obama "flipping off" Hillary and McCain:
It was a very nice protest -- one person can protest too, although that would be harder to cover all three entrances to the Church -- like you said, it's a free country.
I thought you said that you spoke with Deputy Nelson that day, but maybe that was someone else who said that. Perhaps "adaeze" or someone who was actually there can answer my questions . . .
Is there some reason you won't allow the YouTube videos of Obama flipping off Hillary and McCain? That seems relevant to my very first post on this thread.
I can't view them right now which is one reason. Plus this blog is not about Obama so I'm not sure how that's relevant. I don't want to get into an Obama vs. McCain youtube war on the blog.
I'd like to keep it about Prop 8 and the prop 8 protest at Saddleback :)
personally - I will look at them later when I can.
Sounds fair to me : )
And, when you get a chance to review the video, my proffer of the "relevance" is directly related to the last photo you put on this thread (flipping off protestors -- assuming that was even taken outside Saddleback Church -- we don't even know if said person was a member), which provoked such outrage, including but not limited to "Adaeze" claiming that "most of the people flipping us off came out of the church". Therefore, whether the people "outraged" at that were similarly "outraged", when Obama did it, goes to intent and hypocrisy. Or, was it O.K. to "flip off" Yes on 8 supporters?
Are you (or "Soulforce" -- assuming you are different people -- whom I don't know the circumstances of trying to confront Rick) still open to dialogue with him or Pastor Tom Holladay?
Yes - Soulforce is a different organization but I know they are still willing to dialog with Rick on this issue. I would be interested as well but I don't want to interfere with the work they've been doing and the contacts they have already made within Saddleback Church.
I haven't heard back from Pastor Tom yet, but I will let you know : )
Did you get a chance to "screen" those YouTube clips of Obama flipping off Hillary and McCain? I'm surprised no one who complained about "Yes on 8" supporters remembers that controvery.
Can anyone who was actually at the protest answer my questions?
If you are still around, do you know if anyone is protesting at Saddleback Church this coming Sunday?
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